Tough Age
“Me In Glue”

Tough Age by Colin Medley
Colin Medley

Ever have one of those weeks? You know, when your cat has a violent outbreak of feline herpes (seriously, how can a creature so small generate so much snot?!?), your archnemesis at work implicates you in a missing file scandal that’s got your boss in a rage and your fellow colleagues looking at you with suspicion, and that weird looking warning light on the car dashboard keeps going off and on and there’s a ‘chugga-chugga’ sound every time you rev the engine over 40 kmph? On top of that, your computer’s E key won’t work, the nickel-sized dry patch on the back of your neck is now the size of a toonie, and your hypochondriac mom is convinced she has feline herpes after you told her about the cat (and you’re starting to believe that she’s right). Stress headaches are now a daily occurrence, your left eye is in a perma-twitch, and sleep is as elusive as a unicorn in a magical forest. Have you ever had the kind of week where nothing but one perfect, miraculous song can take you out of the fray and make you feel normal, even human for its duration?

I’ve been having one of those weeks, and Tough Age’s “Me In Glue” has been that song.

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