Bile Sister 
“Generation Steam” 

I first learned of Julie Reich as one-half of the microtonal rock duo Body Breaks, and through that project, I learned of her work as Bile Sister. As unappetizing a name as her stage moniker is, Bile Sister’s latest is a deliciously catchy and surprisingly funky blast of unpredictability. 

“Generation Steam” is a synthy punk stomper that bemoans the socio-economic grind many find themselves in as the pandemic gives way to endemic ennui. Are you feeling deflated, defeated, and discouraged by structures and conventions whose expiration date passed long before COVID cuffed us all upside the head? Then check out the freaky, ludicrous, and delightfully whimsical video for “Generation Steam” by Leslie Predy, populated by Furbies (remember them?), that makes me think a lot about this movie.

Bile Sister’s new album, Living on the Edge (the first since 2014’s Faucet), arrives on July 21 via We Are Time.

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