Baby O 
“Dark Blue”

Stefano Pasquarelli

This month’s PRESS PLAY artist is Toronto-based artist Olivia Pasquarelli, the “alt-rock angel” who performs under the name Baby O. Full discloure that Olivia is a former DOMINIONATED contirbutor, and we are thrilled that she’s sharing the song “Dark Blue,” an early Baby O demo, with our subscribers this month. Here’s what Olivia had to say about the origins of the song:

“Dark Blue” was the first song I wrote as Baby O back when I started the project in 2019.  At the time, I was listening to a lot of Americana, roots rock and artists like Lucinda Williams, Margaret Glaspy and The Band.

I had written the lyric “below my fingers I feel the strings resonate with all of me” on a piece of paper in 2015, after I started taking guitar lessons again as an adult. I’ve been playing guitar my whole life, but there have been many times where I stepped away from it to focus on less fulfilling things.

I didn’t really know what I was trying to say when I wrote “Dark Blue.” I just let the lyrics flow out of me. At first, I thought it was a love song, but over the years the meaning has evolved. In making “Dark Blue,” I learned that my music often knows the truths in my heart before I am even aware of them myself.

I’d like to thank John Kennelly for showing me that I am allowed to make music. John also played guitar and bass on this demo. Shout out to Matthew Chalmers for playing drums, keys and mixing the thing.

Press Play supporters on Patreon can download, save, and play “Dark Blue” now:

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